Week 518, Saturday 18th until Friday 24th May 2024.

Misfits Mid-Life Crisis Adventures In East London and Surrey.

This week would have been Spike’s 23rd B’day. Not a day goes by without me thinking about him. I miss the boy more and more, that’s one of the reasons I love all the visiting cats who pass by or visit the garden regularly.


When I watch someone on Tv and Film doing anything online they never have an issue. This week tickets went online to see the last 2 episodes of the current series of Doctor Who in the cinema next month. Tickets went on sale at 9am, minutes before I was ready to book on a well-known cinema chains website. After three quarters of an hour of repeatedly trying and getting nowhere I was ready to give up and return to bed. I didn’t know if the issue was the sheer number of people trying to book or the company’s website just being a pain. In the end I booked a ticket with a different, posher cinema in Central London paying more than the other company. Typically, a few hours later I saw on social media that the original company posted that the booking problem had been fixed, so the issue was with them. Maybe the member of staff assigned to release the tickets at 9am had overslept.

“Looking Up While Putting The Bins Out”.

Jack Bauer from 24, James Bond or Lara Croft wouldn’t have these issues. These characters run their fingers across the keyboard at super speed while the screen reacts straight away. You never see them sitting getting frustrated at a buffering or static screen which states that the content loomed for is either not there or has been removed for ever. Another issue that fictional characters don’t struggle with which I had to this week, is sitting patiently and frustrated at how slow information is transferring from a computer to an external drive. In the movies when the hero is doing a transfer while the baddies henchmen are breaking down the door, the percentage goes from 0 to 100% in seconds, and not many MANY (slow) minutes as I witnessed this week. The internet is a wonderful invention when it works well, when it doesn’t I long for paper and pens. The main thing is I now have tickets to watch Doctor Who on a very big screen soon. Getting home will be an issue, if I was at a local cinema I would just drive home. But the screen I am attending is in the middle of London, getting home at 2am will be an issue. The plan is to wait at a mainline railway terminal for the first tube a few hours later. There are night buses, but I quite like the idea of hanging around at the station watching the world pass by. If all goes well, I will be home about 7am, just as everyone is waking up not having an idea about the adventure in space and time i had during the night.

And Now For Something Completely Different……

“Newly Netted To Stop Squirrels From Messing With The Pots”.

This week I waged war in the garden. Recently I discovered that several plants were not doing well. This battle is against the battalions of slugs and snails that have invaded the back garden (I realise that all creatures serve a purpose in the grand scheme of things, but couldn’t they leave my plants alone. I am still learning what to do, this gardening lark is still very new to me). They have always been there of course, but because of all the recent rain there appears to be so many more than normal. I have an area netted off I call the structure which houses plants and veg that I am trying to look after. The netting is perfect to keep out the birds, squirrels (who are digging up my newly planted bulbs. I have had to put netting over pots to stop the little darlings) and all the local cats that visit the garden out. But smaller creatures seem to be able to slither under the netting or are hidden under the paving slabs or in the grass (just waiting for me to go back inside).

“Inside My Growing Area”.

The last few nights I have been out with my head torch aimed at the pots and leaves looking for the enemy. The big question was what I would do with the prisoners of war, friends and family said kill them. But I couldn’t do that, the simple answer has been to repatriate them on a local green. I have wondered what someone peering out of the window might think seeing me with a torch on the green that late in the dark. If the plod were called my activities would be a little difficult to explain. But once I showed them the container full of slugs and snails, I am sure they would understand.

“On My Midnight Mission”.

My actions are working as the number of slugs and snails spotted has gone down, but there still there just waiting for me to give up. This is one war that I won’t give up fighting, I should contact Don or Titchmarsh and find out how they deal with this menace.

“Rehoming In Action”.

Oh, by the way……

“Strolls This Week”.

This week I collected my nephew from school and heard a classmate ask him if I was his granny.

“Granny In Sisters Hammock”.

And Finally……

“Messed Around With Pics Of Mum, On Page 3 And Hello Magazine”.

This week I sent a voicemail to the wrong person this week. I also made a payment to the wrong person this week. Lesson learned, check all information before sending any message or payment.

“I Have Too Much Time On My Hands”.


“Action Kids”.

My friend said, “I can’t find my hole”. She was struggling to put an earring in.

“When Larry The Cat Appeared On The Door Step, I Thought Some Sense Might Be Spoken”,

My Mid-Life Crisis Conts…...

This Week I Watched…..

BBC NEWS – General Election (2024) Announcement”, (BBC NEWS)(TX: 22/05/24). “Blastoff! Blue Origin Launches Space Tourists For The First Time In Almost 2 Years”, (VideoFromSpace/YouTube) (TX: 19/05/24). “Blue Origin Launches 6 Tourists To The Edge Of Space After Nearly 2 – Year Hiatus”, (ABC7 (Southern California)/YouTube)(TX: 19/05/24). “Celabrating 100 Flowwers On Twitterex!”, (DavidJohnSowerbutts/YouTube)(TC: 20/05/24). “Clarkson’s Farm Three”, (S3, Pt 1, ep 1 (Ch 17) to ep 5 (Ch 21). “Click”, (TX: 18/05/24). “Gardeners’ World”, (2024, ep 8, TX: 3/05/24)(ep 9, TX: 10/05/24). “Have I Got News For You”, (S67, ep 7, TX: 17/05/24). “I Kissed A Girl”, (S1, ep 5 & ep 6). “Late Night Lycett”, (S2, ep 6, TX: 17/05/24). “Lexx”, (S4, ep 3). “My 600Lb Life”, (S7, ep 2, TX: 06/02/19). “New Shepard Mission NS-25 Webcast (Replay)”, (Blue Origin/YouTube)(TX: 19/05/24). “Orphan Black”, (S4, ep 1 to ep 10)(S5, ep 1 to ep 10). “Orphan Black: Echoes”, (S1, ep 1 to ep 2). “Secrets In Their Eyes”, (2015). “Taskmaster”, (S17 (S8 on C4) ep 9, TX: 24/05/24). “The Great British Sewing Bee”, (S10, ep 1, TX: 21/05/24). “The (New) Old Doctor Who Show – “Boom” Review”, (The (New) Old Doctor Who Show/YouTube)(TX: 19/05/24). “The Walking Dead”, (S3, ep 10).

Doctor Who Watched This Week……

“Boom”, (Series 1 or S14 (S40 Since 1963), ep 3, TX: 18/05/24). “Boom – Doctor Who: Commentary”, (S1, ep 3, “Boom”, TX: 18/05/24). “Doctor Who: Unleashed”, (S1, ep 3, “Boom”, TX: 18/05/24).

This Week I Listened To……

“Brian And Roger”, (18/05/24)(23/05/24). “Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure”, (S2, ep 1, “When She Was Bad”, 11/01/17). “Clinton Baptiste’s All-New Paranormal Podcast – Best Bits Compilation 2”, (24/05/24). “Crash Course Pods: The Universe, (ep 3, 22/05/24). “Doctor Who Flashcast”, (TeeVee)(ep 37, “The Eaters Of Light”, 18/06/17)(ep 38, “World Enough And Time”, 25/06/17)(ep 39, “The Doctor Falls”, 02/07/17)(ep 40, “Twice Upon A Time”, 26/12/17)(ep 41, The Woman Who Fell To Earth”, 07/10/18)(ep 42, “The Ghost Monument”, 15/10/18)(ep 43, “Rosa”, 25/10/18)(ep 44, “Arachnoid In The UK”, 29/10/18)(ep 45, “The Tsuranga Conundrum”, 05/11/18)(ep 46, “Demons Of The Punjab”, 12/11/18)(ep 47, “Kerblam!”, 19/11/18)(ep 48, “The Witchfinders”, 26/11/18)(ep 49, “It Takes You Away”, 03/12/18)(ep 50, “The Battle Of Ranskoor Av Kolos”, 18/12/18)(ep 51, “Resolution”, 02/01/19)(ep 52, “Spyfall, Pt 1”, 02/01/20)(ep 53, “Spyfall Pt 2”, 06/01/24)(ep 78, “Boom”, 20/05/24). “Doctor Who Toby Hadoke’s Happy Times And Places”, (80.1, “World Enough And Time”, 20/04/24). “Doctor Who Toby Hadoke’s Time Travels – Indefinable Magic Bite Size 2”, (“The Devils Chord”, 18/05/24). “Doctor Who Toby Hadoke’s Time Travels – Indefinable Magic Bite Size 3”, (“Boom”, 24/05/24). “Exocast”, (ep 50-b, 05/04/21). “Explore Exoplanets: The Discoverers”, (ep 12, 23/05/24). “Hancock’s Half Hour”, (S1, ep 15, “The Marriage Bureau”, 08/05/55)(“Bill And Father Crimbo”, 25/12/58)(BBC Light Programme). “Hancock’s Half Hour – The Blood Donor: Pye’s Re-recording – 1961“, (Originally BBC 7/Sounds, 27/06/08). “Hancock’s Half Hour – The Radio Ham: Pye’s Re-recording – 1961″, (Originally BBC 7/Sound, 05/07/08). “Hard Boiled Eggs And Nuts A Laurel And Hardy Podcast”, (ep 48, 08/07/18). “How To Be A Better Human”, (25/09/23). “Liza Tarbuck”, (BBC Radio 2/Sounds)(18/05/24). “Nick Abbot Whole Show”, (LBC)(18/05/24). “Pale Blue Dot”, (20/05/24). “Radio Astronomy (Sky At Night Magazine)”, (24/05/24). “Radio Astronomy (Sky At Night Magazine) Star Diary”, (“20th to 26th May”, 19/05/24). “Random Movie Generator With David Earl And David”, (S3, ep 21, 22/05/24). “Random Trek”, (The Incomparable)(ep 14, (VOY),”Hope And Fear”, 28/08/14). “Sestra Cast (Orphan Black)”, (The Incomparable)(ep 1, 27/06/17). “Sleep Sounds By Timsoft”, (“First Ep – Intro To White Noise”, 29/08/19). “Smersh Pod – Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom”, (20/05/24). “Space And Things Podcast”, (STP195, 23/05/24). “Space Rocket History Podcast”, (ep 215, 13/07/17)(ep 216, 19/07/17)(ep 217, 26/07/17)(ep 218, 02/08/17)(ep 219, 09/08/17)(ep 220, 16/08/17). “Star Trek Universe Podcast”, (22/05/24). “The Laurel And Hardy Podcast”, (ep 20, “Early To Bed (1928)”, 04/02/22). “The Marx Brothers Council Podcast”, (ep 13, 28/03/19). “The Mystery Hour With James O’Brien”, (LBC)(23/05/24). “The Nick Abbot Habit”, (LBC)(20/05/24). “The Official Doctor Who Podcast”, (BBC Sounds, “BOOM”, 18/05/24). “The (New) Old Doctor Who Show”, (ep 156, “BOOM”, 20/05/24). “The Rewatcher: Buffy The Vampire Slayer”, (S2, ep 1, “When She Was Bad”, 19/12/22). “The Space Shot”, (ep 349, 28/04/18)(ep 350, 29/04/18)(ep 351, 30/04/18)(ep 352, 01/05/18)(ep 353 & ep 354, 03/05/18)(ep 355, 04/05/18). “The Supermassive Podcast”, (ep 52, “Bonus”, 23/05/24). “Two Watch Who”, (S24, ep 1, “Time And The Rani”, 19/05/24). “Universe Today Podcast”, (ep 343, 07/06/17)(13/05/24)(17/05/24)(21/05/24). “Whats Your Problem With Nick Abbot And Carol Mcgiffin”, (LBC)(20/05/24)(24/05/24).

This Week I Enjoyed Music By……

“Morrissey”, “ABC”, “Cater The Unstoppable Sex Machine”, “Echobelly”, “Girls Aloud” , “Groove armada”, “Keane”, “Lisa Loeb”, “Natalie Imbruglia”, “OK go”, “Pulp”, “Rowan Atkinson & Kate Bush”, “Space”, “Suede”, “The Beatles”, “Talk Talk”, “XTC”.

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